About project
500 Rakansは、一つ一つ手描きで生み出される500の静かな祈りによって完成するコレクションです。
500 Rakans is a hand drawing collection completed by 500 quiet prayers created one by one.
A long time ago, I saw the 500 Arhats made by Ito Jakuchu in Kyoto.
I felt a strong inspiration at that time and was convinced that I would make 500 Arhats in my lifetime.
Digital art has become familiar to me now.
And I started to make 500 Rakans.
I felt a strong inspiration at that time and was convinced that I would make 500 Arhats in my lifetime.
Digital art has become familiar to me now.
And I started to make 500 Rakans.
500 Rakansとはすなわち500の祈りなのです。
500 Rakansとはすなわち500の祈りなのです。
Drawing innocently is like prayer.
When my heart is about to be captivated by sadness, anger, emptiness, loneliness, etc., I draw Rakan and regain a quiet heart.
500 Rakans are 500 prayers.
When my heart is about to be captivated by sadness, anger, emptiness, loneliness, etc., I draw Rakan and regain a quiet heart.
500 Rakans are 500 prayers.
デジタル空間に出来上がった500 Rakansは、500の祈りの集まった社になるでしょう。
The 500 Rakans created in the digital space will be a company of 500 prayers.
Through prayer, I create a place where I can pray.
Through prayer, I create a place where I can pray.
500 Rakansは、ジェネラティブアートではなく、1つ1つが手で描かれた500種類のアートワークで構成されています。
500 Rakansは、1日に1体描いたとしても、全てが完成するまで1年以上の月日を要します。
500 Rakansは、1日に1体描いたとしても、全てが完成するまで1年以上の月日を要します。
The 500 Rakans aren't generative art, they're made up of 500 hand-drawn artworks one by one.
It production takes a lot of time.
I chose to hand-paint each of the 500 works and add them to the collection one by one, rather than distributing them to the market all at once as generative art.
Even if I develop one Rakans a day, it will take more than a year to complete it.
It production takes a lot of time.
I chose to hand-paint each of the 500 works and add them to the collection one by one, rather than distributing them to the market all at once as generative art.
Even if I develop one Rakans a day, it will take more than a year to complete it.
その日その日の苦しみ、悲しみ、あらゆる種類の執着から自分自身を解放し、静かな心を手に入れるための祈りを積み重ねることによって、いつか500 Rakansは完成します。
One day 500 Rakans will be completed as I pray for the day to free myself from the suffering, sadness and all sorts of attachments of the day and to obtain a quiet heart.
もしあなたが500 Rakansの一つ、またはいくつかを手に入れたら、それを自らの祈りを代弁するものとして自由に使うことができます。
500 Rakansのホルダーは、それを商用利用しても構いませんが、このステートメントへのアクセスは確保してください。
もしあなたが500 Rakansの一つ、またはいくつかを手に入れたら、それを自らの祈りを代弁するものとして自由に使うことができます。
500 Rakansのホルダーは、それを商用利用しても構いませんが、このステートメントへのアクセスは確保してください。
Through 500 prayers, we can move away from the speculative side of NFTs, which are secondary in the short term.
If you get one or several of the 500 Rakans, you are free to use it as a proxy for your prayers.
Holders of the 500 Rakans may use it for commercial purposes, but ensure access to this statement.
If you get one or several of the 500 Rakans, you are free to use it as a proxy for your prayers.
Holders of the 500 Rakans may use it for commercial purposes, but ensure access to this statement.

500 Rakansは、短期のビジネス的成功を求めません。
500 Rakans does not seek short-term business success.
If any of the 500 prayers feel like your prayer overlaps, consider getting it.
You will be able to return to 500 prayer places at any time.
If any of the 500 prayers feel like your prayer overlaps, consider getting it.
You will be able to return to 500 prayer places at any time.
500 Rakans NFT
You can buy a collection of 500rakans at OpenSea.
You can purchase goods for 500rakans at SUZURI.




























































































Work in progress...
Work in progress...
Work in progress...
Work in progress...
Work in progress...
Work in progress...
Work in progress...
Work in progress...
Work in progress...
Work in progress...
Work in progress...
Work in progress...
Work in progress...