In December 2021, an assignment was given to create an original character at an online manga school. I made and submitted over 50 character drafts in one week.
2021年12月、私が漫画を習っていたオンラインマンガスクールで、オリジナルキャラクターを制作せよという課題が出されました。そこで私は、 1週間で50以上のキャラクター原案を作って提出しました。
Here's my idea.
I wrote down many things that a person wants, can and must do.
What you want to do, what you can do, and what you have to do are not connected to each other. I wrote a lot as separate matters.
望むこと、できること、やらなければならないことは、この時点では互いにつながっていません。 バラバラに書き出しました。
If you combine them freely, and if possible, make a crazy combination, a certain image of a person will emerge.
From the combination of what the person wants to do, what he can do, and what he has to do, I thought about the visuals and created the draft of the character.
The methodology is applicable and reproducible for everyone.
If you're having trouble coming up with ideas, give it a try.
List of ideas
Character drafts

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